Tag: Iot

Why Web Designers Should Care About GDPR And Its Effects

On May 25th, the infamous GDPR went into effect, forcing all Internet-dependent companies into changing their privacy policies online, mainly to protect the privacy of all E.U. citizens. If you currently live in Europe, your inbox is probably spammed with ‘We’re changing our privacy policy” messages from Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc. National governments aren’t required…

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The power of wearables: are they helping us?

Today each and every one of us has some tech assistance gadget. Whether it is a Google glass, a Garmin, or Apple watch, or GPS running or sleeping bracelet, we’re wearing technology. And out of all technology items, wearable gadgets are the ones to have the most intimate connection to people, since they are worn…

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Does internet connectivity matter more than human connectivity?

World’s rapid move towards omnipresent connectivity is constantly changing how and where people go and what they do. The internet connectivity has been and continues to be changing the way how people associate, gather and share information and consume media and information. Recent researches show that the Internet will be so approachable and effortless that…

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Smart cities, are we living there?

IoT is changing the game We are all digitalists. Modern citizens living in a modern, digitalized era. Every day we wake up more connected and more productive thanks to the tools and devices out there helping us to have all the complex things in life done simpler. What was once the Internet is now The…

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