Tag: applications

Using Social Media Marketing – What is the Risk?

Although social media marketing is extensively discussed and acknowledged as a potent business tool, certain aspects are often overlooked. Achieving success in social media marketing demands significant time and resources. Establishing a robust online presence can be a time-consuming endeavor, usually necessitating the support of a dedicated team or the delegation of tasks to external…

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The power of wearables: are they helping us?

Today each and every one of us has some tech assistance gadget. Whether it is a Google glass, a Garmin, or Apple watch, or GPS running or sleeping bracelet, we’re wearing technology. And out of all technology items, wearable gadgets are the ones to have the most intimate connection to people, since they are worn…

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Why investing in Mobile App Development is such a good idea

The World has Gone Mobile Today’s customers own multiple devices either for social engagement, news and of course, shopping. They are using their smartphones to find local businesses, to get reviews, quality feedback and recommendations. Mobile channels have increasingly replaced the traditional shopping window. This means that just having a website is no longer enough.…

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Online Shopping: Are You Addicted Yet?

The power of “add to basket” button Generally when people browse retailers, or Web Pages that sell certain products or services want to have a buying option. Not having an e-commerce solution it’s a huge mistake. It’s 2017, a period where annoying shoppers by reminding them to visit a physical store is not considered cool,…

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Sites and apps a traveler should use, like, NOW!

Moving past January, it is time to start planning your next big travel. So many places, so little time, right. Well, let’s help you take the hassle out of your next travel with a few tech solutions. Choosing an app or a good travel website can be time-consuming, and we hope to be of help…

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