Tag: Facebook

5 Privacy-Based Alternatives To Facebook Following The ‘Cambridge Analytica Data Breach’

The #deletefacebook movement is increasing by the minute. Large companies such as Playboy, Elon Musk’s Tesla have already deleted their multi-million fan pages. Famous celebrities such as Will Ferrell and Brian Acton have also announced to quit Facebook once and for all. The social network’s stocks have fallen by almost 20% and Zuckerberg counts losses…

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E-commerce Marketing trends for 2017

Online shoppers are here to stay It is already the fourth month of 2017. By now, the total number of internet users worldwide has reached 3.5 billion from which 40% have bought at least one thing online. Or in plain numbers, that means that at this moment there are more than 1.4 billion customers worldwide…

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Creating videos for the multiscreen world

Living the Screen Age We are yet not aware how quickly the screens have taken over our lives. From an information tool, the screens have become a sole provider of not only information, but also entertainment, connectivity, communication, transactions, controlling, education and even friendship… Today, there is a different screen for every purpose and every…

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Facebook Ads: Small Business Luxury

The cost of being liked Being liked in all aspects of life comes at some price. Whether a good behavior, knowledge, trendy clothes or even the most modern gadgets. Its ironical that the most precious things in life are free whereas the most essentials ones come at a price. As an example, one might remember…

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