Category: Trends

How To Go From “Connect” to “Follow” On LinkedIn

Follow requests can be annoying and with the influx of notifications on LinkedIn it gets difficult to keep up with what is important and what is not. One way to go about this is to replace the “Connect” button with the “Follow” button. By doing so, viewers can view updates without the need for further…

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Top Website Development Trends

Website development has been happening widely across the world and the demand is still higher for website development. Even though there are lots of trends happening in the field of website development let’s see some of the important ones. One among that is cybersecurity. As we know that the cyber crimes, website hacking, and data…

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The power of wearables: are they helping us?

Today each and every one of us has some tech assistance gadget. Whether it is a Google glass, a Garmin, or Apple watch, or GPS running or sleeping bracelet, we’re wearing technology. And out of all technology items, wearable gadgets are the ones to have the most intimate connection to people, since they are worn…

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Does internet connectivity matter more than human connectivity?

World’s rapid move towards omnipresent connectivity is constantly changing how and where people go and what they do. The internet connectivity has been and continues to be changing the way how people associate, gather and share information and consume media and information. Recent researches show that the Internet will be so approachable and effortless that…

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E-commerce Marketing trends for 2017

Online shoppers are here to stay It is already the fourth month of 2017. By now, the total number of internet users worldwide has reached 3.5 billion from which 40% have bought at least one thing online. Or in plain numbers, that means that at this moment there are more than 1.4 billion customers worldwide…

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