E-commerce in 2023 – A Game-Changer for Businesses and Consumers Alike

Introduction  The advent of e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate and how consumers engage in commerce. Over the years, e-commerce has evolved into a game changer, reshaping industries and providing numerous benefits to businesses and consumers alike.  This essay explores how e-commerce has become the ultimate turning point, enabling businesses to reach global markets,…

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Designing Creative Solutions for Businesses

Introduction In today’s world, generating creative solutions is essential for brands to thrive in the market. To devise creative solutions, businesses need to put in a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure out-of-the-box thinking and focus on problem-solving. It does not just encompass aesthetics but rather it focuses on a holistic approach that…

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1 Reason Why Branding Is Not Important & 9 Reasons Why It Is

Introduction There are several reasons why branding is important for any organization. Branding is the process of promoting a particular brand or company and maintaining it through different tactics. It is the process of marking or creating a name for the product or service you are selling. To do this, one needs a company’s name…

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Website Development and Why it is Important in the post-pandemic era

The process of creating and building websites which consists of web design, content creation, management, programming, the server configuration is defined by the term Website Development. It involves an array of skills and expertise that would construct a functional as well as an aesthetically pleasing website that meets the objectives of a business.  Post-pandemic, the…

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Unveiling the Distinctions: Gmail vs. Google Workspace

Email services have become essential for both personal and professional interactions. Gmail and Google Workspace are well-known names in the realm of email providers. Although they originate from the same source, these platforms possess notable distinctions.  Gmail: Powerful Simplicity Introduced in 2004, Gmail rapidly gained widespread recognition as a no-cost webmail platform. Its primary focus…

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How To Go From “Connect” to “Follow” On LinkedIn

Follow requests can be annoying and with the influx of notifications on LinkedIn it gets difficult to keep up with what is important and what is not. One way to go about this is to replace the “Connect” button with the “Follow” button. By doing so, viewers can view updates without the need for further…

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The Art of Small Businesses

Introduction Small businesses frequently have a difficult time competing with larger, more established counterparts in today’s highly competitive business environment. However, there is an effective strategy that many thriving small businesses have mastered: using the influence of visual components. Small businesses are increasingly recognizing the significance of aesthetics in attracting customers, establishing brand identity, and…

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All you need to know about Google Workspace

In 2020, Google announced they would revamp what was once known as Google Suite and take the new identity and brand ‘Google Workspace’ A Workspace, but not an average workspace. This tool provides a lot of collaborative applications that help users navigate seamlessly and encourages synergy. Google Workspace consists of the following applications Gmail, Meet,…

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Webvolution: The Evolution of Web Design

The evolution of website design and development has been a fascinating journey, driven by technological advancements, changing user expectations, and emerging design trends. In the earlier days, websites were simple and composed of HTML pages that were mainly text-based with minimal focus on engagement and interactivity. These websites needed manual coding and lacked visual flair.…

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Best Tips To Help You Work From Home Comfortably

Are you one of the workers across the globe who has found themselves working from home as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic? You aren’t alone. Millions of people have had to adjust to home working, some without much warning at all, and the majority were unprepared.  Remote work requires a comfortable home setup, but…

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5 Trends Shaping The Future Of Small Businesses

What does the future look like for small businesses? If 2020 was a year of disruption, then 2021 will be a year of transition. Many companies closed due to lockdowns and restrictions, and even when they reopened, the business landscape has changed drastically in just a few months and it may stay that way. Due…

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How To Land An Internship At An Ad Agency

Whether it’s part of your coursework or something you’re doing during your study break, an internship can be a wonderful opportunity to get the first-hand experience on the job. There’s no hiding behind a screen, dreaming about what it will be like when you’re eventually released into the world.  Rather, it’s a real-world experience in…

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