FIRE: A Simple Guide To Achieving Early Retirement

Have you noticed? There’s a lot of excitement over the FIRE movement at the moment. Everyone is talking about it, and it’s all the rage. The dream of never setting foot in the office again, having achieved financial independence at the age of 35 – it’s suddenly the “in thing”. As part of this movement,…

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How To Build Your Investment Portfolio As A Young Adult

As a young adult, thinking about investments might not be your biggest priority. But the sooner you get started, the higher your eventual returns will be, and the better your financial position will be in the years to come.  There are a variety of great opportunities for young adults to start investing no matter your…

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Tips For Building A Successful Service-Based Business

Anyone with a skill can start their own service-based business, and there are many good reasons why you might decide to. But running a successful service-based business? That’s an entirely different story. Service-based businesses often have their own operating methods, which means they also have their own unique ways of growing and developing. So with…

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Simple But Effective Small Business Success Tips

Getting a small business up and running is tough. However, hard work doesn’t end when you start trading. Making progress towards your goals is often just as difficult, as is knowing whether you’re focusing on the right things in the first place. So, to help take off some of the pressure, here are seven tips…

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Why Is There A Dire Need for Digital Transformation For Your Organization

Digital transformation is crucial for any business, from the smallest to the major multinational companies, regardless of the size of the company. Digital transformation is a systemic revolution that encourages businesses to continually push themselves in incorporating digital technologies into all business segments, changing the way business functions and bringing value to its customers. Digital…

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5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2021 And Beyond

Digital marketing is always constantly changing and evolving. While some of these changes become permanent for many years, other trends gradually become less and less current. The following digital marketing trend predictions are expected to be huge in 2021 and beyond. Privacy While the conversation surrounding user privacy and data ethics has been going on…

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10 Businesses That Will Boom In 2021

2020 was a rough year but one thing the past year has taught us is that how we work and do businesses is changing. As we move into 2021 more and more of our interactions will be in the digital world. But it is not only digital that will boom in 2021, some physical skills…

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How To Reinvent Yourself For A New Job

2020 was a rough year. But, as in the traditional end-of-year song, “Auld Lang Syne”, the line “should auld acquaintance be forgotten, and never brought to mind…” The world would very much like 2020 to be the acquaintance that it forgot! To that end, a new way to start a new year might very well…

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Crowdfunding Compared With P2P Lending: Which Is Better For You?

Strong demand for capital and stricter lending conditions from traditional lenders are some of the factors that might be behind the growth of alternative debt. It seems both consumers and businesses are looking beyond conventional products to source financing.  This is combined with borrowers who are increasingly internet savvy along with big data and technologies…

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Day Or Night: What Is The Optimal Time To Do Study?

Is the daytime or nighttime better for studying? Here’s what the research says about studying the effectiveness at different times. For students, settling down and focusing is key to a successful academic life. Yet with so many distractions around — smartphones, streaming, the internet — an engaging session of homework can be more elusive than…

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Why Go Digital Before 2020 Ends? Pro-Business Tips

Digital transformation is significant for business growth, and several studies have shown that bringing change in businesses with SEO for recruitment agencies. Either you collaborate with different firms or engage in modern ways with the customers. Recent studies have shown that digital transformation forecasts reach 2.3 trillion dollars in 2023 due to spending on technologies and…

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What Should I Do If I’ve Been hacked?

IThere’s nothing scarier in the modern era than being hacked. So much of our lives and lifestyles are tied to the Internet, and turning the computer on one day to discover that you can’t log in to your email or social media accounts because a hacker has gained access to them is an incredibly stressful…

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