Tag: technology

Is Google Workspace really worth the purchase?

Google Workspace offers a comprehensive range of communication tools, enabling efficient and productive team collaboration. With Gmail for professional email communication and Google Meet for top-notch video conferencing, businesses can facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, irrespective of geographical constraints. Furthermore, Google Drive is a cloud-based storage solution for all files and documents. This centralized approach…

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What Works And What Doesn’t: Media Marketing 101

Effective social media marketing requires careful consideration of various factors to enhance your brand. It’s important to acknowledge that desired results may only sometimes be immediate, requiring a thoughtful approach to strategy implementation. While there are recommended practices (“do’s”) in social media marketing, it is equally essential to be aware of the “don’ts” to avoid…

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Using Social Media Marketing – What is the Risk?

Although social media marketing is extensively discussed and acknowledged as a potent business tool, certain aspects are often overlooked. Achieving success in social media marketing demands significant time and resources. Establishing a robust online presence can be a time-consuming endeavor, usually necessitating the support of a dedicated team or the delegation of tasks to external…

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 The domino effect of creating and communicating

Introduction: The importance of practical production and communication has never been higher in our fast-changing, innovative, and interconnected society. Whether you want to pursue a career in the arts, start a business, or express yourself, expanding your creative thinking and communication skills can lead to countless opportunities. 1. Embrace Your Inner Creativity: Every person has…

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Boundless Social Media: Your Brand, Connecting the World!

Social Media Marketing is the only economical and seamless way for a business to connect worldwide with its audience. Social media platforms offer a direct connection from the company to their customer, enabling communication between the two parties. Users and enterprises engage in discussions, comments, and messages; this provides a free flow of communication essential…

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7 Reasons Why You Must Invest in Photography & Videography

Introduction: In the present era, where visuals play a pivotal role, it has become imperative rather than optional for businesses to invest in photography and videography. These dynamic mediums provide distinct benefits that can enhance your brand, captivate your audience, and fuel business expansion. The rationales behind investing in Photography and videography are compelling, with…

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Crack the Code! Navigate Traffic & Boost Your Growth

Online traffic can be challenging for businesses and website owners in the vast and ever-expanding digital landscape. With countless websites competing for attention, standing out and attracting the right audience is essential. Thankfully, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) provides a roadmap to effectively navigate online traffic and drive targeted visitors to your website. The internet resembles…

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Resilient Revival: Social Media Marketing in the Post-Pandemic Era

The business world arrived at a pause when the pandemic struck. Social media platforms became essential for businesses to reach and engage with customers as traditional brick-and-mortar establishments faced closures or limitations. The pandemic altered consumer behavior, with people spending more time at home and online, forcing a change in their purchasing habits. Constrained by…

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Information Age: 5 Common Fears About Technology

The modern world has ushered in many changes. Arguably one of the biggest changes is the growing number of advancements in technology. There was a time when the idea of a smartphone was enough to induce awe, but now, technology is bigger than ever and has even expanded into funerals.  Advancements such as these evoke…

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4 Big Cloud Computing Trends Impacting Enterprise

Cloud computing has become one of the most defining trends in the past five years. Plenty of enterprises have been utilizing cloud computing for business transformation and in the modernization of existing information technology infrastructure.  Investments in cloud computing have also had some steady growth, and the market is expected to hit an annual growth…

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COVID-19: Why Your Business Needs An Emergency Remote Work Plan

Despite spreading rapidly across the globe, COVID-19 (colloquially known as the coronavirus) is also highlighting how thousands of businesses can be disrupted when employees are not able to come into work.  Some of the world’s largest companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon have already told thousands of their employees to work from…

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How New Technology Reshapes The Way Employers Hire New Workers

Nearly half (45%) of businesses hired workers in the past year specifically for their technical skills. But in the same time frame, 10% of businesses have laid off employees due to new technology. These divergent trends are creating growing anxiety in the workplace, according to a new survey conducted by Clutch, a leading B2B research and…

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