What Works And What Doesn’t: Media Marketing 101

Effective social media marketing requires careful consideration of various factors to enhance your brand. It’s important to acknowledge that desired results may only sometimes be immediate, requiring a thoughtful approach to strategy implementation. While there are recommended practices (“do’s”) in social media marketing, it is equally essential to be aware of the “don’ts” to avoid common pitfalls. By adhering to these guidelines, you can utilize your social media platforms more effectively and achieve your marketing objectives.

1. Pay attention to your target audience: It is essential to prioritize understanding your target audience. Refrain from neglecting their needs and interests to avoid creating irrelevant content that fails to engage them. Instead, dedicate time to comprehensive research to gain insights into their preferences, demographics, behaviors, and pain points. Utilize social media analytics to gather valuable data and continually refine your approach, ensuring that your content and messaging resonate with your intended audience.

2. Don’t over-promote: Social media is more than just a platform for broadcasting promotional messages. Constantly bombarding your followers with sales pitches can be off-putting; instead, pay attention to what works and what does not and build relationships with your customer base so that it goes a long way. Simultaneously, leverage paid social media advertising to reach a wider audience, amplify your message using marketing objectives best suited to your brand, utilize the targeting options to achieve your goal, and track the performance.

3. Don’t ignore negative feedback: Social media allows for open communication, and negative feedback is inevitable. Ignoring or deleting negative comments can harm your reputation. Instead, respond promptly and professionally, addressing concerns and finding solutions. Turn negative experiences into positive ones. Communication on social media goes two ways, so encouraging discussions and asking questions will foster a sense of community and build relationships.

4. Don’t buy followers or engagement: Purchasing followers or engagement might seem tempting to boost your numbers quickly, but it could be a better long-term strategy. Fake followers will refrain from engaging with your content or converting it into customers. Moreover, it harms the reputation of your brand. Instead, focus on organic growth and building genuine relationships with your audience. This way, you will have a loyal customer base.

5. Don’t be inconsistent: Inconsistency can harm your social media presence. Posting sporadically or neglecting your accounts can make you lose followers and decrease engagement. Instead, develop a posting schedule to maintain your steady presence on social media. Consistency goes a long way and helps build brand recognition, but use the scheduling tools to plan and automate your content distribution. 

6. Remember to analyze and optimize: Social media marketing requires constant monitoring and analysis. Neglecting to track metrics and analyze your campaigns can prevent you from understanding what works and what doesn’t. Every social media platform has the specific tools and insights you need to understand what works best for your brand in the future. Make it a habit to monitor and analyze the metrics and evaluate their effectiveness. Track engagement, conversions, and other relevant metrics, and by using this data, you can make informed decisions. 

7. Don’t ignore platform-specific best practices: Each social media platform has unique features, audience, and best practices. Avoid using a one-size-fits-all approach across different platforms. Create platform-specific content and strategies. Customize content based on a limited number of characters, visual requirements, and user behavior. It is important to note that not all social media platforms perform well. Select the platforms that align with your target audience and business goals, and focus on the platforms where your audience is most active and where your content is likely to perform well.

8. Pay attention to the power of visuals: Social media is highly visual, and the importance of quality visuals can help your marketing efforts. Engage with your audience by investing in visually appealing and relevant images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia content to capture attention and enhance engagement. Everything can go viral on social media, so be careful and only put out relevant and informative content because it is easy for the image of your company to get destroyed within seconds if you put misleading information.

9. Don’t disregard social listening: Social media is a broadcasting channel and a valuable tool for listening to conversations and understanding your audience’s sentiments. Monitor mentions, hashtags, and relevant keywords to gain insights into what people are saying about your brand and industry. Also, try to understand what your competitors are up to, analyze their strategies, leverage this information to improve your strategy, and identify the areas wherein you can stand out.

10. Be clear about what you aim to do: Clearly define your marketing objectives and list what you desire to achieve. Whether it is brand awareness, website traffic, boosting sales, etc, having clear-cut goals will guide you in measuring your success and developing content that connects and engages your audience.


Social media marketing is an ongoing process that requires dedication, experimentation, adaptability, and, most notably, a customer-centric approach. By avoiding these “don’ts” and keeping these considerations in mind, you can maximize the effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts and build a solid social media presence. Contact Codelattice, the leading Social Media Marketing Company, at info@codelattice.agency or +971 55 457 1236.

Effective social media marketing requires careful consideration of various factors to enhance your brand. It’s important to acknowledge that desired results may only sometimes be immediate, requiring a thoughtful approach to strategy implementation. While there are recommended practices (“do’s”) in social media marketing, it is equally essential to be aware of the “don’ts” to avoid…