Category: General

Why Go Digital Before 2020 Ends? Pro-Business Tips

Digital transformation is significant for business growth, and several studies have shown that bringing change in businesses with SEO for recruitment agencies. Either you collaborate with different firms or engage in modern ways with the customers. Recent studies have shown that digital transformation forecasts reach 2.3 trillion dollars in 2023 due to spending on technologies and…

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What Should I Do If I’ve Been hacked?

IThere’s nothing scarier in the modern era than being hacked. So much of our lives and lifestyles are tied to the Internet, and turning the computer on one day to discover that you can’t log in to your email or social media accounts because a hacker has gained access to them is an incredibly stressful…

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Information Age: 5 Common Fears About Technology

The modern world has ushered in many changes. Arguably one of the biggest changes is the growing number of advancements in technology. There was a time when the idea of a smartphone was enough to induce awe, but now, technology is bigger than ever and has even expanded into funerals.  Advancements such as these evoke…

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4 Big Cloud Computing Trends Impacting Enterprise

Cloud computing has become one of the most defining trends in the past five years. Plenty of enterprises have been utilizing cloud computing for business transformation and in the modernization of existing information technology infrastructure.  Investments in cloud computing have also had some steady growth, and the market is expected to hit an annual growth…

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The Importance Of Choosing The Right RPA Partner

RPA is revolutionizing the way we do business; a sweeping statement perhaps, but one that is becoming truer by the day. Described as transformational and even disruptive, RPA is being used to automate a wide range of routine tasks in almost every industry from finance and HR to IT and marketing. Organizations across the globe…

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Orange Interactive Technology Appreciates Our Team’s Efforts!

Often, when we picture Dubai, we think of a glistening, modern city with huge skyscrapers, fancy cars, and five-star hotels. But tucked away among all of the city’s glamor is a large population of small businesses. How large? One recent study says 97% of businesses in Dubai are small and micro-sized.  Here at Orange Interactive…

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6 Essential Web Development Blogs You Should Bookmark Right Away

Every web developer knows that in order to stay wanted and get hired, they first need to stay informed of all the latest changes in this sector. Sure, TechCrunch and other famous websites can help you with that, but in a more general way. To really grasp any knowledge and stay updated, you should spend…

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How New Technology Reshapes The Way Employers Hire New Workers

Nearly half (45%) of businesses hired workers in the past year specifically for their technical skills. But in the same time frame, 10% of businesses have laid off employees due to new technology. These divergent trends are creating growing anxiety in the workplace, according to a new survey conducted by Clutch, a leading B2B research and…

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Maximizing email marketing success

Emails are forever Yes, we’re consuming the social days and people mostly receive all the information from the Social Medias. But in Marketing terms, some goodies like direct marketing and Email Marketing are essential in every brand’s strategy. You may find this strange, since Social Medias segment your audience like no other media can, but…

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Creating videos for the multiscreen world

Living the Screen Age We are yet not aware how quickly the screens have taken over our lives. From an information tool, the screens have become a sole provider of not only information, but also entertainment, connectivity, communication, transactions, controlling, education and even friendship… Today, there is a different screen for every purpose and every…

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Smart cities, are we living there?

IoT is changing the game We are all digitalists. Modern citizens living in a modern, digitalized era. Every day we wake up more connected and more productive thanks to the tools and devices out there helping us to have all the complex things in life done simpler. What was once the Internet is now The…

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Virtual Reality: You can’t help but say “WOW!”

Familiarity with VR By now, you don’t have to be a tech geek to be familiar with Virtual Reality and its influence to modern living. But just in case, probably the shortest and simplest explanation about VR you’ll ever get is that Virtual Reality is a computer generated environment that enables you to experience a…

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