Information Age: 5 Common Fears About Technology

Information Age: 5 Common Fears About Technology

The modern world has ushered in many changes. Arguably one of the biggest changes is the growing number of advancements in technology. There was a time when the idea of a smartphone was enough to induce awe, but now, technology is bigger than ever and has even expanded into funerals

Advancements such as these evoke mixed emotions. Drones and robots are all well and good, but there are privacy concerns at play here. Subsequently, these types of inventions lead people to wonder whether they are completely beneficial to society or rather impinge upon privacy. 

5 fear-inducing technology advancements 

From information tracking to robots, and everything in between, advancements in the technological world provide both positives and negatives. While ease of use and instant connection come to mind as positives, there are negatives when using these means, such as privacy and safety fears. 

1. Personal information tracking 

When people go online to pay bills or log in to accounts, for example, they are using their personal information. While visiting a site, trackers called cookies are downloaded to the user’s computer to enable a third party to collect information. This can be used in many ways, such as to create a more personalized experience for the user. It can also leave people vulnerable to hacking if the information is not safeguarded. 

For example, mass breaches such as the Facebook security breach saw the exposure of nearly 50 million users’ personal information. These types of hacks can then potentially lead to cyber-terrorist attacks, identity theft, and even financial loss. It’s no wonder innovation makes people nervous about their personal security. 

2. Drones 

Autonomous drones can be useful for many purposes. Be it assisting in agricultural or property management or even fighting wildfires, the benefits are wide and varied. This invention is also used as a toy by many tech enthusiasts and those who enjoy aviation-based hobbies. 

It’s not hard to see why drones are such a feared technological advancement. There is little to no oversight over how the crafts are used. Regulations from the Federal Aviation Administration don’t even specifically limit flight over residential areas, leaving some people to fear these eyes in the sky when seen hovering near their homes. 

3. Robots

Robots are a wonderful achievement when it comes to automation. However, thanks to many movies there is the fear in the back of people’s minds that robots will one day take over the entire world. Robots allow for increased production which is a real threat to jobs typically performed by humans. 

Given how smart these creations can be it seems plausible they could replace a human in more than just the manufacturing workforce. While this is frightening, some people do use robots to make things such as going to the doctor easier. 

4. Self-driving cars 

Some cars on the road already have driver-assist or autopilot modes, however, it’s the notion of completely self-driving cars that causes the most concern. Many worry a car that has to make a life or death decision won’t be able to assess the situation in the same way a live person would. 

One of the main concerns when it comes to self-driving cars is there could be ethical dilemmas at play. What would happen in a situation where an animal or a human steps out onto the road? Self-driving cars provoke a fear of the unknown. 

5. Home surveillance 

Smart home gadgets (called the Internet of Things) have gained a lot of popularity over the last couple of years. Be it home surveillance, smart TVs, smart home devices, or baby monitors, there is more technology in any one house than ever before. 

While these gadgets provide quick connection and ease of use, there are privacy concerns. This is because the information they collect makes families an ideal and very easy target for criminals looking to hack into personal information. 

Technology and the modern world

The main purpose of things such as artificial intelligence is to improve humanity and therefore the way society functions. But there is concern some technological advancements can do more harm than good. 

Most fears regarding technological developments stem from concerns around privacy, lack of information, and thus a fear of the unknown. Computers and robotics are meant to be good things but people are right to be concerned about the information collected and how it is protected. 

While fears regarding the tech world are common and in some cases, well-founded, new efforts at shoring up cybersecurity will allay fears regarding internet safety and privacy. 

The modern world has ushered in many changes. Arguably one of the biggest changes is the growing number of advancements in technology. There was a time when the idea of a smartphone was enough to induce awe, but now, technology is bigger than ever and has even expanded into funerals.  Advancements such as these evoke…