Tag: social

What Works And What Doesn’t: Media Marketing 101

Effective social media marketing requires careful consideration of various factors to enhance your brand. It’s important to acknowledge that desired results may only sometimes be immediate, requiring a thoughtful approach to strategy implementation. While there are recommended practices (“do’s”) in social media marketing, it is equally essential to be aware of the “don’ts” to avoid…

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Using Social Media Marketing – What is the Risk?

Although social media marketing is extensively discussed and acknowledged as a potent business tool, certain aspects are often overlooked. Achieving success in social media marketing demands significant time and resources. Establishing a robust online presence can be a time-consuming endeavor, usually necessitating the support of a dedicated team or the delegation of tasks to external…

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 The domino effect of creating and communicating

Introduction: The importance of practical production and communication has never been higher in our fast-changing, innovative, and interconnected society. Whether you want to pursue a career in the arts, start a business, or express yourself, expanding your creative thinking and communication skills can lead to countless opportunities. 1. Embrace Your Inner Creativity: Every person has…

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Boundless Social Media: Your Brand, Connecting the World!

Social Media Marketing is the only economical and seamless way for a business to connect worldwide with its audience. Social media platforms offer a direct connection from the company to their customer, enabling communication between the two parties. Users and enterprises engage in discussions, comments, and messages; this provides a free flow of communication essential…

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5 Privacy-Based Alternatives To Facebook Following The ‘Cambridge Analytica Data Breach’

The #deletefacebook movement is increasing by the minute. Large companies such as Playboy, Elon Musk’s Tesla have already deleted their multi-million fan pages. Famous celebrities such as Will Ferrell and Brian Acton have also announced to quit Facebook once and for all. The social network’s stocks have fallen by almost 20% and Zuckerberg counts losses…

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Does internet connectivity matter more than human connectivity?

World’s rapid move towards omnipresent connectivity is constantly changing how and where people go and what they do. The internet connectivity has been and continues to be changing the way how people associate, gather and share information and consume media and information. Recent researches show that the Internet will be so approachable and effortless that…

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Maximizing email marketing success

Emails are forever Yes, we’re consuming the social days and people mostly receive all the information from the Social Medias. But in Marketing terms, some goodies like direct marketing and Email Marketing are essential in every brand’s strategy. You may find this strange, since Social Medias segment your audience like no other media can, but…

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Facebook Ads: Small Business Luxury

The cost of being liked Being liked in all aspects of life comes at some price. Whether a good behavior, knowledge, trendy clothes or even the most modern gadgets. Its ironical that the most precious things in life are free whereas the most essentials ones come at a price. As an example, one might remember…

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Online Shopping: Are You Addicted Yet?

The power of “add to basket” button Generally when people browse retailers, or Web Pages that sell certain products or services want to have a buying option. Not having an e-commerce solution it’s a huge mistake. It’s 2017, a period where annoying shoppers by reminding them to visit a physical store is not considered cool,…

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Sites and apps a traveler should use, like, NOW!

Moving past January, it is time to start planning your next big travel. So many places, so little time, right. Well, let’s help you take the hassle out of your next travel with a few tech solutions. Choosing an app or a good travel website can be time-consuming, and we hope to be of help…

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Virtual Reality: You can’t help but say “WOW!”

Familiarity with VR By now, you don’t have to be a tech geek to be familiar with Virtual Reality and its influence to modern living. But just in case, probably the shortest and simplest explanation about VR you’ll ever get is that Virtual Reality is a computer generated environment that enables you to experience a…

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