Category: E-Commerce

Exploring the Surge in Online Shopping During the Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, and nothing has changed since then. People were forced to find alternative means to continue their daily lives. The impact of the pandemic was recognized when consumers had no choice but to shift from grocery stores and retailers to online shopping for their basic necessities. In conclusion, the COVID-19…

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The Evolution of E-commerce

In the era of digital transformation, e-commerce has emerged as a powerful force that has reshaped the way businesses operate and consumers engage in transactions. From its humble beginnings to the present day, e-commerce has undergone a remarkable evolution, revolutionizing the shopping experience and propelling businesses into the digital age.  E-commerce traces its roots back…

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E-commerce in 2023 – A Game-Changer for Businesses and Consumers Alike

Introduction  The advent of e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate and how consumers engage in commerce. Over the years, e-commerce has evolved into a game changer, reshaping industries and providing numerous benefits to businesses and consumers alike.  This essay explores how e-commerce has become the ultimate turning point, enabling businesses to reach global markets,…

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5 Trends Shaping The Future Of Small Businesses

What does the future look like for small businesses? If 2020 was a year of disruption, then 2021 will be a year of transition. Many companies closed due to lockdowns and restrictions, and even when they reopened, the business landscape has changed drastically in just a few months and it may stay that way. Due…

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Tips to Inflate the Sales of your E-commerce Business with Constructive Web Design

Having a perfect web design for your e-commerce business is very essential in order to turn your website visitors into customers. The design of your website should be of such a kind that it makes the purchase process quick, easy as well as stress-free. It doesn’t matter how good your online advertisements are, if your…

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Dubai – The Next E-Commerce Capital

In the recent analysis, it has been found that UAE has marked it place on the global e-commerce map and in a very deliberate manner. In this context, the launch of Dubai Commercity by the Dubai Airport free zone is very relevant. There have been quite a good similar initiatives being happening and this is…

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Significance of E-Commerce Sites in Business

Online is the new world now. There is nothing that is not online now. Even for shopping, you don’t have to go to shops, everything is just a click away. You name it and Google will show you every possible option that you might not even see in shops. It gives the consumers full freedom…

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Top 5 Tips that an eCommerce Website in Dubai Should Follow

The shopping trends in Dubai expands day by day. What we saw in 2018 will not be what we see in 2019. One of the world’s competitive market is what Dubai usually called so. People never bother on the number of shopping, Dubai city is for those who really care about the brands. As you…

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4 Fundamental Benefits Of E-commerce To Your Business

Fact is, virtually every business needs to get exposed online today. The market is big and there are opportunities everywhere, especially on the Internet. Physical shops may be doing great in terms of sales, but people nowadays prefer to buy online due to lack of time, making them unable to be at the shop physically…

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Maximizing email marketing success

Emails are forever Yes, we’re consuming the social days and people mostly receive all the information from the Social Medias. But in Marketing terms, some goodies like direct marketing and Email Marketing are essential in every brand’s strategy. You may find this strange, since Social Medias segment your audience like no other media can, but…

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E-commerce Marketing trends for 2017

Online shoppers are here to stay It is already the fourth month of 2017. By now, the total number of internet users worldwide has reached 3.5 billion from which 40% have bought at least one thing online. Or in plain numbers, that means that at this moment there are more than 1.4 billion customers worldwide…

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Facebook Ads: Small Business Luxury

The cost of being liked Being liked in all aspects of life comes at some price. Whether a good behavior, knowledge, trendy clothes or even the most modern gadgets. Its ironical that the most precious things in life are free whereas the most essentials ones come at a price. As an example, one might remember…

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